Sustainability Assessment of Food Production Systems and Agriculture for Agribusiness in Ismailia, Egypt

Document Type : Research Article


Agriculture Economics, Extension & Rural Sociology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt


This research aimed to assess the sustainability of agricultural systems and food production in Ismailia, Egypt by comparing the application of SAFA (Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agricultural Systems) indicators. Using the SAFA method for measuring the level of sustainability for Agribusiness in Ismailia; SAFA methodology is structured based on different hierarchical levels: dimensions, themes, sub-themes, and indicators. The more general level includes four dimensions of sustainability: good governance, environmental integrity, economic resilience, and social well-being. The results showed that there are differences that are sometimes marked between the levels of sustainability achieved by the 15 enterprises in the following themes: in “Corporate Ethics” " most enterprises have reached a good level, as the company tends toward sustainable practices; few enterprises have achieved a moderate level, since their mission is not focused on sustainable development but on maximizing production. Regarding the theme “Atmosphere”, most enterprises have reached a good level, as they use machinery with consequent emissions of greenhouse gases and chemicals that can interfere with the air quality. In the theme “Water”, most enterprises obtained a good score because they use chemical substances that can interfere with water quality, and the water is taken in abundance from the neighboring water bodies to irrigate the plantation. In “Investment”, In “Decent Livelihood”, Most enterprises have reached good levels, since the work shifts are heavy, leaving few times for rest; finally, in “Labor Rights”, most enterprises have reached the best levels because most employees have regular contract and social security provisions.


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